In this tutorial, you will learn how to extend the validity of domains that are managed by Webnode – that is, they were registered with us (and were not transferred away) or were transferred to our management.
Domain extension is possible if the domain is not expired. If the domain has already expired, you will need to contact us to renew the domain.
1. To renew the domain, click Domain management in the project administration.

2. The second way is directly through the editor, where you click on Settings.

3. Here, in the Domains section, select Manage domains.

4. Next, select the domain and click the Renew domain registration button.
TIP: If automatic renewal is active for your domain and you do not want to use it, you will need to turn it off. You can find more information in the manual Information About Automatic Renewals.

5. In the order, you can choose the length of the subscription, buy private registration, use a discount coupon, change the payment method and fill in the billing information.

ATTENTION: If you have a domain managed by an external domain registrar, you need to renew the domain directly with that registrar.
TIP: To prevent late payments and complications with domain renewal, our system will notify you 5 days before domain expiry.
If you receive a notification about an expired domain by e-mail, it is still possible to extend it directly from the project administration within the next 4 days.
On the last day of expiration (5th day), this is no longer possible and it is necessary to contact our customer support. If domain renewal is urgent, we recommend reaching out to us on our Facebook page.