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Configure RSS

This article is about the original Webnode editor. If your site was created in the new editor, you can go to our knowledgebase for new editor.

An RSS feed is a great tool that you can use to update your visitors about news on your website. An RSS feed automatically generates short messages from news or other content created with the "Articles" feature. The RSS feed then sends these messages to visitors of your website.

Visitors add your site's RSS feed to their RSS reader by clicking on "RSS". Then whenever you add new content through "Articles", the RSS feed registers this, and sends the information to your visitors. With this tool, visitors can always stay informed about the news you post on your website.

Webnode not only creates RSS feeds with your web content, but makes it easy to publish content from other websites. If you want to publish information about cultural events in your city or topics your friends are writing about, copy the RSS address of the page from where you want to receive updates to your website and add it to a generator such as FeedWind or Feed Informer. Set the parameters and copy the HTML code. Finally, paste the HTML code to the editor with a Webnode widget ("More" - "Embed code").

WARNING: It's not possible to delete the RSS feed, only deactivate it. There are two ways to do this:

1. Don't use the "Articles" feature to avoid the RSS feed being automatically generated.

2. In RSS settings (open by clicking "RSS" next to the icons "Site map" and "Print") click "Yes" for "RSS redirect". In the fields under "RSS redirect", add a fictional URL address, for example The RSS feed will not be generated.

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